Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pre-k Behahvior Report

Welcome In My Funny World

Ladyes and Gentleman, welcome and ... good morning (in time are the queso 8:00 am). That's 3 years after start-up that are Live-Journal-to give a little 'life to my space on this portal.
advised that during the school year are not un'asidua frequentetrice the web, so you will not find more, daily updates, signed by the addition, you should know that the undersigned is VERY leenta TT -
Here in this section find all my Fan Fiction One Shot and I write from time to time ^ ^-during the year is more likely that you find that one-shot stories long since, after two past experience, I prefer to first write the whole story and then publish it XD. "
The stories you are about to read is yaoi or straight, most often with sad and introspective nuances, or comic, irreverent and a little 'dumb. And all, but all, have a bit of passion and erotirmo-Guys, do not randomly use Hungary as an avatar XD-san! Many say they are like her in everything, even the physical appearance of XD-
My FanFiction are always dedicated to a manga-anime that I'm passionate about (also not yet able to write stories with characters created by me), so fans will find Fiction on the World Clamp ( Tsubasa RC, Card Captor Sakura, Kobato, Code Geass & Co.) or sull'esilarante world Hetalia .
What say more? Good letturaaaa!